1780R-Series Service Manual
Performance Verification
This section consists of the Performance Check, used to determine compliance
with the Performance Requirements listed in the Specifications section.
Controls and connectors on the 1780R-Series front panel and rear panel are fully
capitalized (e.g., RIGHT DISPLAY-WFM). Control and connector names on test
equipment, as well as internal controls and adjustments for the instrument under
test, are initial capitalized (e.g., Time/Div).
Recommended Equipment List
The following equipment and accessory items are required to do the Performance
Check Procedure. Broad specifications are followed by an example of equipment
that meets these specifications. In most cases, the following procedure was
prepared using the recommended equipment.
Table 4–1: Recommended Equipment
Electrical Instrument Performance Requirements Example
1. Test Oscilloscope
Vertical Amplifier Differential Comparator with 30 MHz
bandwidth and 1 mV sensitivity. Dual-
Trace Amplifier with 30 MHz bandwidth
and 5 mV sensitivity.
X 76
, a
7B53A Dual Time Base, a 7A13 Differen-
tial Comparator, a 7A18A Dual-Trace
Amplifier, a 1X probe (Tektronix P6101A),
Time Base 10 ns/div to 5 ms/div sweep speeds;
triggering to 5 MHz.
X p
onix P6
2. Television Test Signal Generator Provides color test signals for the
television standard that the 1780R-Series
will use.
Required signals:
Black Burst.
Color Bars.
Linearity Staircase and Variable APL.
Field Rate Square Wave.
2T Pulse & 2T Bar.
Field 1 Reference.
TEKTRONIX NTSC 1410 with Option AA
and Option AB (modified SPG2 and
TSG7), TSP1 Switcher (optional), TSG3,
TSG5, and TSG6.
TEKTRONIX PAL 1411 with Option AA
and Option AB (modified SPG12 and
TSG11), TSP11 Switcher (optional),
TSG13, TSG15, and TSG16.
The 1410 and 1411 Option AA are
mainframes with modified SPG2 and
SPG12 Sync Generators with the added
features of: Variable Subcarrier Frequen-
cy; (±20 Hz, ±50 Hz for the 1410),
(±5 Hz, ±10 Hz for the 1411), Variable
Burst amplitude, Variable Sync amplitude,
and SCH unlock.