Theory of Operation
1780R-Series Service Manual
The output of the WRO START LINE is wire ANDed with the VRO START
to provide an RO START control line at pin 12 of U165.
WRO INHB (P5.4) is wire ANDed with the control line from pin 7 of U167
and fed to the one-shot, U453A. the LINE SEL RETRACE at the output of
U453A rephases the Sweep Generator to the video in 2-line and 3-line sweep
modes. U453A sets this control line high a number of lines prior to the
selected line for line displays.
WRO ONLY (P5.5) is used when the waveform screen displays readout only.
WRO ONLY tells the Readout Engine to display all readout during the burst
mode and not to return the display control back to the waveform display.
WRO BURST (P5.6) informs the Readout Engine that the waveform
monitor is operating in the line select mode. Readout occurs during burst
mode (instead of 2 of 4 line mode).