User's Manual
Read and follow all safety instruc-
tions shown on pages 2 and 3.
Observe the following precautions
when choosing a location for your
ampliÞ er:
• Do not cover any of the ven-
tilation slots on the bottom or
• Do not place a preampliÞ er
directly on top of the power
ampliÞ er.
• Protect it from pro longed
ex po sure to direct sunlight and
other direct sources of heat,
such as heating vents and
ra di a tors.
• Do not expose the unit to rain
or moisture. If ß uid or a for-
eign object should enter the
unit, immediately turn off the
power and contact your SunÞ re
• Avoid excessive exposure to
extreme cold or dust.
• Do not place heavy objects on
top of the unit.
AC Power Con sid er ations
Ensure that the unit is plugged
into an outlet capable of supplying
the correct voltage speciÞ ed for your
model. The outlet should be capable
of supplying 15 amps at 120V.
If you need to clean the front
surface, Þ rst turn unplug the power
cord from the AC supply, and then use
a dry cloth, rubbing with the grain. Be
careful not to scratch the Þ nish. Avoid
strong cleaning agents.
Connection Tips
Before setting up your new sys-
tem, please consider the following :
Always make sure that your
com po nents are all turned
OFF, or unplugged before
making or changing any
connec tions.
• Make sure that the power
cords of all your components
are attached to the same outlet
or at least to the same circuit.
This will reduce the possibility
of a ground loop in the sys tem.
• Make sure that the total current
draw does not exceed the cur-
rent rating of the outlet.
• Use the XLR inputs if your
pream pli Þ er has XLR outputs.
These balanced connections
provide superior noise re jec -
• Whenever possible, route the
power cords away from the
signal cables or speaker wires
to pre vent any hum or in ter -
fer ence heard in the speak ers.
• Choose reliable hookup cables.
They should be fully shield ed
and as short as pos si ble.
• Some patch cords can be a
very tight Þ t and there is usu-
ally a preferred method of get-
ting them off. Some have to be
removed with a twisting action.
Be gentle or you may dam age
the jacks of your ampliÞ er, or
other com po nents.
• Some audiophile cables should
be hooked up in one direction,
these are usually marked with
• It is usual for the right channel
patch cord plugs to be red and
the left channel con nec tions to
be white, grey or black.
12 VDC Trigger
If you have a Symphonic Refer-
ence PreampliÞ er, it has a Trigger
terminal which supplies 12 VDC
whenever the preampliÞ er is turned
on. This voltage can be used to turn
on the ampliÞ er.
Use all stan dard safe ty
pre cau tions and make sure
all the equip ment is dis con -
nect ed be fore making any
con nec tions.
Any 1/8" mono to mono (two-wire)
interconnect cable will sufÞ ce to con-
nect the 12 V trigger output from the
preampliÞ er to the ampliÞ er.
The voltage range for the ampli-
Þ er's trigger input is 5 to 18 Volts DC.
Do not exceed 18 Volts on this input.
(CAU TION: Do not connect AC line
voltage to this input!)
The input impedance of the 12 V
trigger input is approximately 600Ω
(20 mA @ 12 V).