User's Manual
Dear Friend,
Thank you for pur chas ing my
SunÞ re Symphonic Reference
AmpliÞ er. I hope that you enjoy it and
the music it makes as much as I have
en joyed creating it for you.
Your SunÞ re AmpliÞ er should
reach you in perfect con di tion. If
you do notice any shipping damage,
please contact your SunÞ re Dealer
Gently lift out the unit and remove
all the packing material and ac ces -
so ries. It is im por tant to save all the
packing ma te ri als and the box in case
your ampliÞ er ever needs to be moved
or shipped for repair.
Make sure that you keep your
sales receipt. It is the only way to
establish the duration of your Limited
Warranty and it may come in useful
for insurance pur pos es.
Please take a moment to Þ ll
out and mail the SunÞ re Customer
Response card. Also read the serial
num ber located on the rear panel and
record it here:
Serial #:
Purchased at:
Date: _______________________
• Two channel Power AmpliÞ er in
a 17” wide chassis
• 250 watts per channel into 8
• 500 watts per channel into 4
• Outrageously low -115 dB
• An enor mous power source
provides the ultimate muscle
for limitless dynamics
• Peak-to-peak current output
capability is 80 amperes per
• The ampliÞ er can drive almost
any load to any ra tio nal ly us-
able current or volt age level.
• MOSFET tracking downcon-
• 12 VDC trigger input for remote
• The intrinsic fre quen cy
response extends from 1 Hz to
beyond 100 kHz
• IEC removable power cord
• High quality styling and Þ nish