User's Manual
Limited Warranty
SunÞ re Corporation is proud of its
prod ucts which have been built with
care using ad vanced technology and
premium com po nent parts. Your unit
has been crafted to perform properly
for many years. SunÞ re Corporation
offers the following Warranty to you,
the owner of a new SunÞ re product:
The SunÞ re Corporation Warranty
for the Symphonic Reference Ampli-
Þ er is in effect for FIVE years from the
date of original retail pur chase. The
SunÞ re Cor po ra tion Warranty covers
defects in materials and work man ship.
The fol low ing, however, are excluded:
a) Damage caused during ship-
b) Damage caused by accident,
mis use, abuse of op er a tion
contrary to the in struc tions
speciÞ ed in the SunÞ re Cor po -
ra tion user’s manual.
c) Units where the serial number
has been defaced, modiÞ ed or
d) Damage re sult ing from mod i -
Þ ca tion or attempted repair by
any person not authorized in
writing by SunÞ re Cor po ra tion.
e) Units purchased from unau-
thorized dealers.
The SunÞ re Corporation War-
ranty extends to the original owner
or subsequent owner(s) during the
Þ ve year warranty period, so long as
the original dated purchase receipt is
pre sent ed whenever warranty service
is required.
All implied warranties, including
war ran ties or merchantability and
Þ tness for par tic u lar purposes, are lim-
ited in duration to the two year length
of this Warranty, unless oth er wise
provided by state law.
SunÞ re Corporation’s liability is
limited to the repair or replacement,
at our option, of any defective prod-
uct and shall not in any event include
property or any other in ci den tal or
consequential damages which may
result from the failure of this product.
Some states do not allow limitations
on how long an implied warranty lasts
and/or do not allow the exclusion or
limitation of in ci den tal or consequential
damages, so the above lim i ta tions or
exclusions may not apply to you.
This Warranty gives you speciÞ c
legal rights, and you may also have
other rights which vary from state to
state. We suggest that you attach your
purchase receipt to this War ran ty and
keep these in a safe place. Thank you
for your choice of a SunÞ re Cor po -
ra tion product.
We suggest that you read the Limited
War ran ty completely to fully un der -
stand your Warranty/Service cover-
If your SunÞ re Corporation prod-
uct ever requires service, write to us
or call:
SunÞ re Corporation
Tech ni cal Ser vic es Department
P.O. Box 1589
Snohomish, WA 98291
Tel (425) 335-4748
Fax (425) 335-4746
You will be directed to an au tho -
rized SunÞ re Cor po ra tion Service
Station or receive instructions to ship
the unit to the factory. Please save the
original shipping carton and packing
materials in case shipping is required.
Please do not ship Parcel Post.
NOTE: Before sending in your unit for
repair, you must call SunÞ re for return
au tho ri za tion.
Include a complete de scrip tion of the
problem, in di cat ing how you have it
con nect ed, the associated equipment
in your system and a copy of your
purchase receipt. Initial ship ping costs
are not paid by SunÞ re Corporation;
return ground shipping costs will be
prepaid if repairs were covered by the
scope of this Warranty.
Service Assistance