
This glossary contains a definitions for terms used in this guide.
AL_PA Arbitrated Loop Physical Address; 8-bit value used to identify a device.
FL_Port On a Fibre Channel switch, a port that supports Arbitrated Loop devices.
F_Port On a Fibre Channel switch, a port that supports an N_Port.
A Fibre Channel
port in a point-to-point or Fabric connection.
N_Port A Fibre Channel port in a point-to-point or Fabric connection.
NL_Port Node loop port; a port that supports Arbitrated Loop protocol.
G_Port On a Fibre Channel switch, a port that supports either F_Port or E_Port
Segmented Loop Port. A port connected to a private loop device.
T_Port An inter-switch port, one that is used to attach a port on one switch to a port
on another switch.
TL_Port A Translated Loop Port on the Sun StorEdge T3 array.
Public Loop An Arbitrated Loop attached to a Fabric switch.
Private Loop An Arbitrated Loop without a Fabric switch
Segmented Loop
A set of ports that behave as one private loop.
Zone A set of ports and their connected devices that have been grouped together
to control information exchange.