
100 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide October 2001
2. Display information about the attachment points on the system.
An attachment point id (Ap_Id) on a Fabric-connected host port is a path to a Sun
StorEdge Traffic Manager device. In this example, c0 and c2 represent Fabric-
connected host ports and c1 represents a private, loop-connected host port. Use the
cfgadm (1M) command to manage the device configuration on Fabric-connected
host ports.
The device configuration on private, loop-connected host ports is handled by a
Solaris host by default.
3. Display information about host ports and their attached devices on the system.
Note The cfgadm -l command displays information about fibre channel host
ports. Use the cfgadm -al command to also display information about fibre
channel devices. The attachment point IDs with that output include: port World
Wide Names associated with c0, and Fabric devices, which have c2 attachment
point IDs. Those devices should be managed by the cfgadm configure and
unconfigure commands to be made available on a Solaris host. The attachment point
IDs with port WWN under c1 represent private, loop-devices that are configured by
# cfgadm -l
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 fc-fabric connected unconfigured unknown
c1 fc-private connected configured unknown
c2 fc-fabric connected unconfigured unknown
# cfgadm -al
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
c0 fc-fabric connected unconfigured unknown
c0::50020f2300006077 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c0::50020f23000063a9 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c1 fc-private connected configured unknown
c1::220203708b69c32b disk connected configured unknown
c1::220203708ba7d832 disk connected configured unknown
c1::220203708b8d45f2 disk connected configured unknown
c1::220203708b9b20b2 disk connected configured unknown
c2 fc-fabric connected unconfigured unknown
c2::50020f2300005f24 disk connected unconfigured unknown
c2::50020f2300006107 disk connected unconfigured unknown