
Chapter 9 Managing the SAN 125
“Removing a FC-Tape Drive” on page 126
Removing a Sun StorEdge A5200 Array
Use the luxadm remove_device command to hot remove a disk drive, enclosure,
or chain of enclosures. This command interactively guides you through the hot
removal of one or more devices.
In the Sun StorEdge A5200 disk array, the remove_device command of the luxadm
command performs the following functions:
Checks whether the device is busy and, if so, warns you
Takes the device offline (this fails if the disk is open)
Sends notice when device can be safely removed.
Indicates which device to remove by a blinking activity LED on the enclosure
Requests confirmation that the list is as expected
Removes the logical device names for the device that was removed
For additional information, see the luxadm (1M) man page.
Removing a Sun StorEdge T3 Array Workgroup
or Enterprise Configuration
When a Sun StorEdge T3 array is connected to a Fabric device (an array to a switch
TL_port and a host port to a switch F port) and:
If the Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software is enabled, refer to “To Unconfigure
a Fabric Device Associated With Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager Devices” on
page 104.
If the Sun StorEdge Traffic Manager software is not enabled, refer to “To
Unconfigure a Fabric Device” on page 94.
To Remove a Sun StorEdge A3500FC Array
1. Launch RAID Manager.
2. Click the Status icon.
3. Select the RAID module for removal from the pull-down menu.
4. Click Select from the Module menu.
5. Verify the module for removal is highlighted.