Instruction Manual
it provides an outstanding network monitoring system.
With Nagios you can:
Display tables showing the status of each monitored server and •
network service in real time
Use a wide range of freely available plugins to make detailed checks of •
specific services – e.g. don’t just check that a database is accepting
network connections, check that it can actually validate requests and
return real data
Display warnings and send warning emails, pager or SMS alerts when •
a service failure or degradation is detected
Assign contact groups who are responsible for specific services in •
specific time frames
Central management and setting up MetaConnect for Nagios
The MetaConnect Nagios solution has three parts: Central Nagios
server, Distributed ECS0016 console servers, and SDT for Nagios
Central Nagios server:
A Nagios 2.x or 3.x installation (typically on a Linux server)•
Generally running on a blade, PC, virtual machine, etc. at a central •
Runs a web server that displays the Nagios GUI •
Imports configuration from distributed ECS0016 console servers using •
the MetaConnect for Nagios Configuration Wizard
Distributed ECS0016 console servers:
ECS0016 Enhanced Console Server •
Serial and network hosts attached to each console server •
Each runs Nagios plugins, NRPE and NSCA addons, but not a full •
Nagios server