Instruction Manual
can also be configured to support the remote syslog protocol on a per
serial port basis.
Select the Syslog Facility/Priority fields to enable logging of traffic on •
the selected serial port to a syslog server; and to appropriately sort
and action those logged messages (i.e. redirect them/ send alert email
For example if the computer attached to serial port 3 should never send
anything out on its serial console port, the Administrator can set the Facil-
ity for that port to local0 (local0 .. local7 are meant for site local values),
and the Priority to critical. At this priority, if the ECS0016 syslog server
does receive a message, it will automatically raise an alert.
Add / Edit Users
The Administrator uses this menu selection to set up, edit and delete Us-
ers and to define the access permissions for each of these Users.
Users can be authorized to access specified ECS0016 serial ports and
specified network attached hosts. These Users can also be given full
Administrator status (with full configuration and management and access
To simplify User set up, individual users can be configured as members of
Groups. There are two Groups set up by default:
admin which provides User members with full Administrator privileges
users which provides User members with access to the Management
section of the Management Console