
Instruction Manual
To initiate a pre-configured dialup connection under Windows, use the •
following Start Command:
cmd /c start “Starting Out of Band Connection” /wait /min rasdial
network_connection login password
(where network_connection is the name of the network connection
as displayed in Control Panel -> Network Connections, login is the
dial-in username, and password is the dial-in password for the
To initiate a pre-configured dialup connection under Linux, use the •
following Start Command:
pon network_connection
(where network_connection is the name of the connection)
Enter the command or path to a script to stop the OoB connection 3.
using a Stop Command
To stop a preconfigured dialup connection under Windows, use the •
following Stop Command:
cmd /c start “Stopping Out of Band Connection” /wait /min rasdial
network_connection /disconnect
(where network connection is the name of the network connection as
displayed in Control Panel -> Network Connections)
To stop a preconfigured dialup connection under Linux, use the •
following Stop Command:
poff network_connection