
Print hex-density 24-bit graphics
<FS> “Z” nl n2
28 90 nl n2
IC 5A nl n2
ml m2 m3 ml m2 m3 ml m2 m3
Prints 24-bit dot graphics at 360 dots per inch horizontally. The graphics image is
48 dots high and nl + n2
x 256dots wide. Maximum width is 8 inches (2880 dots).
In the data
ml, m2,m3...each three bytesrepresent 48 vertical dots. In the leftmost
position, the most significant bit of
ml is the top and second dot; the least signifi-
cant bit of
mZis the 15thand 16thdot from the top; the most significant bit of m2
is the 17thand 18thdot;the least significantbit of m2isthe31st and 32nddot from
the top;the most significantbitof
m3isthe 33rdand 34thdot from thetop; theleast
significant bitof
m3isthe bottom two dots. The rest of data is similar. The number
of data bytesmustbe 3
x (n] + n2x 256). Dotsbeyond theright margin are ignored.
At the end of dot graphics printing, the printer returns automatically to character
Print hex-density 48-bit graphics
<ESC> “l” “*” nl n2
2 nl n2 IB 7C 2A nl n2
ml m2 m3 ml m2 m3 ml m2 m3
Prints 48-bit dot graphics at 360 dots per inch horizontally. The graphics image is
48 dots high and nl +
n2x 256 dots wide. Maximum width is 8 inches (2880 dots).
In the data
ml, m2,m3 ... each six bytes represent 48 vertical dots. In the leftmost
position, the most significantbit of
ml isthe top dot; the least significantbit of mZ
theeighth dotfrom thetop; themost significantbitof m2istheninth dot; theleast
significant bit of
m2 is the sixteenth dot from the top, and so on. The rest of data
is similar. The number of data bytes must be 6 x
(rd +n2x 256).Dots beyond the
right margin are ignored. At the end of dot graphics printing, the printer returns
automatically to character mode.