To run the SSL Console Bundle Plug-Ins you need a host PC equipped
with an SSL MX4 PCIe Card or SSL Mixpander/5 (or Soundscape
Mixpander/9) and the latest Version of the SSL Mixer V6.x or SSL
Soundscape V6.x Software.
In order to get the most out of the SSL Console Bundle plug-ins, your
system needs the following minimum specification:
• Working SSL Mixer V6 or SSL Soundscape V6 Installation
• Windows XP or Vista 32-bit (NT, 95/98, ME, 2K are NOT supported)
• 32-Bit Graphics Mode and Card with DirectX8 or higher
• Pentium, Core2, i7 or equivalent based System with at least 2.2GHz
(or equivalent overall CPU power in Multicore Systems)
• 512MB or more of Ram (2GB min recommended)
DSP Resources:
Double Precision 48-Bit DSP Memory:
Since the whole processing chain inside the EQ-Filters and major
processing blocks of the Console Dynamics and Bus Compressor plug-
ins are fully 48-bit double precision, only 48-bit DSP memory can be
used to run each instance of the plug-in without additional latency
inside the SSL V6 DSP architecture.
Only a limited amount of the memory inside the mixpander 5/9 DSP
platforms is available for direct 48-bit operations.
The MX4 PCIe Cards however provides a huge amount of 48-bit
memory needed to run multiple instances of the plug-ins.
Especially with Mixpander based Systems you therefore may encounter
situations where you are not able to load more SSL Console Bundle
plug-ins because there is no more 48-bit memory available (indicated
by the [M] parameter in the Mixers caption bar).
However, you may well have enough DSP resources to be able to load
other standard or optional plug-ins which utilise 24-bit memory only.
The tables below show the max. number of simultaneous mono and
stereo instances of one Plug-In at 44.1 kHz, inserted on an individual
Mono to Mono or Stereo to Stereo Channel Strip with Output Fader.
Note: For higher sample rates (48kHz, 88.2kHz and 96kHz) more Processing-Cycles
are required for calculation, meaning less instances will be available.