
Provides a fast attack time (100μs per 40db). When off, a
controlled linear attack time of 1.5ms per 40dB is selected.
The attack time is the time taken for the Expander/Gate to
ʻrecoverʼ once the signal level is above the threshold.
When gating signals with a steep rising edge, such as drums, a slow attack
may effectively mask the initial ʻThwackʼ, so you should be aware of this when
selecting the appropriate attack time.
Determines the time after the signal has decayed below the
threshold before the gate closes. Variable from 0 to
4 seconds.
Note that when the Dynamics Section is not in circuit, its side
chain input is also bypassed.
Input/Output Section
The Input and Output Sections consists of a ± 20dB output
gain control and a 6-segment LED meter.
When using a version with side chain the Input Section
contains the SC IN button, which in pressed state forwards
the signal from the side chain input to the level control
module of the Compressor and Gate/Expander Section.
SC Versions also have an S/C LISTEN button in the Output
Section, which in pressed state routes the side chain audio
directly to the output, so you can monitor and audition the
side chain signal easily.
Both Input and Output Gain Controls always apply Level
Control to the Audio Input, not the side chain Signal.
SSL Console Bundle for MX4 Page 156. SSL Console Channel Dynamics