
SSL Console Bus Compressor
The SSL Console Bus Compressor plug-in is a stereo version of the
legendary centre section bus compressor found on the XL 9000K Series
console. It provides high quality stereo compression, giving you critical control
over the dynamic range of audio signals.
Used on a stereo mix or instrument group has the effect of 'gluing' the mix
together and „make it sound like a Record“.
The dynamics of drum overheads or whole drum kits can be controlled very
effectively with the bus compressor .
The Plug-In is available in Stereo only. An additional Version with Stereo side
chain offers creative options to control the compressor module with other
audio signals.
The Bus Compressor can practically be used for any application that requires
superior compression.
Bus Compressor Parameters
Compression Meter
Shows Gain Reduction with a simulated moving
coil meter, that mimics the real ballistics of the
SSL Bus Compressor meter found on thousands of
SSL Consoles around the world.
For experienced SSL Operators this Meter
provides an authentic Gain Reduction feedback
and should allow them to instantly feel at home.
Continuously variable from –20dB to +20dB. Sets the
Threshold of the Input level for the compressor module to
start to work.
Six switchable ranges 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3 , 10 and 30ms.
Determines the time taken for the Compressor to actually
kick in, once the signal level is above the threshold. Higher
times do let transients (or Attacks) slip through.
Three switchable ranges ranges 2:1, 4:1 and 20:1.
Defines the Ratio of compression or in other words how
steep the compression curve will be, once the Threshold
level is reached.
SSL Console Bundle for MX4 Page 167. SSL Console Bus Compressor