– 35 –
• Fader level (19th byte)
This command is used to set the fader level [dB].
This fader levels are shown as the fader values on the INPUT OVERVIEW screen of the supplied software SRP-X700P Manager.
Example: When setting the respective parameters as shown below.
Scene No. : NONE
Index : CD
TRIM : -10dBu
Function OFF : PEQ ON
PEQ1,2 frequency : 1kHz
PEQ1,2 Q : 10
PEQ1,2 gain : 0dB
Gain Limit level : +10dBu
Fader level : 0dB
43[H] 49[H] 4D[H] 33[H] 30[H] 43[H] 44[H] 20[H] 20[H] 20[H] 20[H] 20[H] 20[H] 30[H] 41[H] 4E[H] 46[H]
4E[H] 4E[H] 46[H] 4E[H] 44[H] 59[H] 0D[H]
(‘ C I L 3 0 C D s s s s s s 0 @ N F N N F N D Y CR’)
“s” indicates the space.
This command is used to read setup of the LINE 3 input channel from the SRP-X700P.
• Packet format
52[H] 49[H] 4D[H] 33[H] “parameter” 0D[H]
• Parameter
Specify the scene No. of the scene memory that you want to read, as the parameter.
Method of specifying the scene No. is the same as that of the GROUP FADER command. See page 29.
• Return packet format
When communication with the SRP-X700P is established with success, the parameter is returned together with ACK (41[H] (‘A’)) in the
order shown below.
41[H] “parameter” 0D[H]
The parameters are the same as the 18-byte parameter of the LINE3 INPUT command from which the scene No. is exempted.
-∞ 30[H] (‘0’) -20.0 40[H] (‘@’)-4.5 50[H] (‘P’) +3.5 60[H] (‘`’)
-70.0 31[H] (‘1’) -19.0 41[H] (‘A’)-4.051[H] (‘Q’) +4.0 61[H] (‘a’)
-60.0 32[H] (‘2’) -18.0 42[H] (‘B’)-3.552[H] (‘R’) +4.5 62[H] (‘b’)
-55.0 33[H] (‘3’) -17.0 43[H] (‘C’)-3.053[H] (‘S’) +5.0 63[H] (‘c’)
-50.0 34[H] (‘4’) -16.0 44[H] (‘D’)-2.554[H] (‘T’) +5.5 64[H] (‘d’)
-45.0 35[H] (‘5’) -15.0 45[H] (‘E’)-2.055[H] (‘U’) +6.0 65[H] (‘e’)
-40.0 36[H] (‘6’) -14.0 46[H] (‘F’)-1.556[H] (‘V’) +6.5 66[H] (‘f’)
-35.0 37[H] (‘7’) -13.0 47[H] (‘G’)-1.057[H] (‘W’) +7.0 67[H] (‘g’)
-32.5 38[H] (‘8’) -12.0 48[H] (‘H’)-0.558[H] (‘X’) +7.5 68[H] (‘h’)
-30.0 39[H] (‘9’) -11.0 49[H] (‘I’) 0 59[H] (‘Y’) +8.0 69[H] (‘i’)
-27.5 3A[H] (‘:’) -10.0 4A[H] (‘J’)+0.55A[H] (‘Z’)+8.56A[H] (‘j’)
-25.0 3B[H] (‘;’)-9.04B[H] (‘K’)+1.05B[H] (‘[’)+9.06B[H] (‘k’)
-24.0 3C[H] (‘<’) -8.0 4C[H] (‘L’) +1.5 5C[H] (‘\’) +10.0 6C[H] (‘l’)
-23.0 3D[H] (‘=’) -7.0 4D[H] (‘M’) +2.0 5D[H] (‘]’)
-22.0 3E[H] (‘>’)-6.04E[H] (‘N’)+2.55E[H] (‘^’)
-21.0 3F[H] (‘?’)-5.04F[H] (‘O’)+3.05F[H] (‘_’)