– 20 –
Status of the PANEL LOCK and that of FADER MODE are indicated by the 8-bit data.
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
0 1 0 0 0 0 PANEL LOCK FADER
When bit 0 is ‘1’, it indicates that the fader is in the ACTIVE mode. When bit 0 is ‘0’, it indicates that the fader is in the INACTIVE mode.
When bit 1 is ‘1’, it indicates that operations from the front panel of the SRP-X700P are in the LOCKed state. When bit 1 is ‘0’, it indicates
that operations from the front panel of the SRP-X700P are in the UNLOCKed state.
Bit-2 to bit-7 are fixed all the time.
The progress status of the feedback reducer setup is indicated in the 16 steps.
The “Finished (30[H])” flag indicates the setup is completed.
Progress Progress
Finished 30[H] (‘0’) 9 39[H] (‘9’)
131[H] (‘1’)10 3A[H] (‘:’)
232[H] (‘2’)11 3B[H] (‘;’)
333[H] (‘3’) 12 3C[H] (‘<’)
434[H] (‘4’) 13 3D[H] (‘=’)
535[H] (‘5’)14 3E[H] (‘>’)
636[H] (‘6’)15 3F[H] (‘?’)
7[H] (‘7’)
] (‘8’)
16 40[H] (‘@’)