– 28 –
byte Parameter name
8th 30[H] (‘0’) fixed
MIC1/WL1 31[H] (‘1’)
MIC2/WL2 32[H] (‘2’)
MIC3 33[H] (‘3’)
MIC4 34[H] (‘4’)
MIC5/LINE1 35[H] (‘5’)
MIC6/LINE2 36[H] (‘6’)
CANCEL 37[H] (‘7’)
FIRMWARE VERSION REQUEST : 52[H] 56[H] 45[H] 52[H] ( ‘RVER’ )
This command is used to read the version number of the SRP-X700P firmware.
• Packet format
52[H] 56[H] 45[H] 52[H] 0D[H]
• Return packet format
When communication with the SRP-X700P is established with success, the parameter is returned together with ACK (41[H] (‘A’)) in the
order shown below.
41[H] “parameter” 0D[H]
The parameter consists of the 8 bytes all the time in the following order.
• FIRMWARE VERSION (1-7th byte)
The 7-bytes ASCII code indicate the firmware version of the SRP-X700P.
Example: When the firmware version is 1.00
41[H] 31[H] 2E[H] 30[H] 30[H] 20[H] 20[H] 20[H] 30[H] 0D[H] ( ‘A 1 . 0 0 s s s 1 CR’ )
(“s” indicates the space. )
FR SETUP : 43[H] 46[H] 52[H] 53[H] (‘CFRS’)
This command is used to indicate start/stop of setting up the feedback reducer, to the SRP-X700P.
• Packet format
43[H] 52[H] 53[H] 41[H] “parameter” 0D[H]
• Parameter
Specify the channel that you want to implement setup, as the parameter.
By sending the command CANCEL (37[H]), you can stop the setting up.
You can check the progress status of the feedback reducer setting up using the STATUS REQUEST command or the ALL STATUS
REQUEST command that are described later.
When setting up is complete, the SRP-X700P turns ON the feedback reducer automatically.
You can acquire the parameter of the notch filter that is set during the setting up, using the MIC INPUT STATUS REQUEST command.
Example: When setting the MIC1/WL1 feedback reducer to the automatic setup
43[H] 52[H] 53[H] 41[H] 31[H] 0D[H] (‘C F R S 1 CR’)