
Preparing video for broadcast
Safe areas, 293
Preparing video for television
DV format guidelines, 234
Prerendering video, 289
Pre-roll, 205
Preset chains, 194–195
Editing, 195
Organizing, 195
Saving from existing chains, 194
keyframe, 275
Presets, saving, 192, 246, 272
split screen, 292
Preview fader
Adjusting for clipping, 185
Adjusting volume, 182
Hiding/viewing, 182
Meter resolution, 182
split-screen view, 292
Previewing video
secondary Windows display, 301
Previews, 67
Full-quality, 289
In media players, 70
Optimizing, 289
Prerendering, 289
Resolution, 289
Transitions, 272
to DV tape, 323
to HDV tape, 326
Printing to tape
preferences, 342
using Video Capture, 328
Printing video to tape, 323
Project Media window, 26, 47
Adding media, 48
Adding still image sequences, 51
Capturing video, 48
Extracting CD audio, 50
Getting images, 49
Replacing media in events, 48
Project playback
Entire, 67
Media player, 70
Time selection, 67
Project property settings, 333–334
Audio CD tab, 334
Audio tab, 333
Matching video settings of existing file, 44, 238
Ruler tab, 334
Summary tab, 334
Video tab, 333
Project references in media files, 58
Creating, 43
nesting, 66
New Project wizard, 43
publishing to the Web, 71
Renaming, 45
Rendering, 307–314
rendering, 70
Saving, 45, 305–307
Saving as EDLs, 233
Proper use of software, 361
Events, 174
Media file, 239
Project, 44, 333–334
Track defaults, 150
Properties pane, 92
Proxy files, audio, 371
exporting to, 314
Publishing a project, 71
Pulldown removal, 45, 336
Configuring, 52
Punch-in, 102, 205
Quantizing to frames, 125
Quick start, 43–71
RAM cache for previews, 291
Razor blade, 105
RealMedia (.rm)
commands, 120
File format, 309
file format, 70
Recapturing offline video clips, 49
Recapturing video, 48
Recording, 199–207
Arming tracks, 201
Into a time selection, 204
Into an event, 204
Into an event with time selection, 205
Multiple takes, 206
Previewing takes, 131
Selecting track input devices, 202