
Advanced Editing
Te c hn i q ue s
This chapter builds on the techniques that were introduced in the last chapter. Ripple editing, pitch shifting,
and takes are just three of the more advanced editing topics that are covered in this chapter.
Snapping events
Vegas® software is preset to snap events into place as you drag them.
Events can snap to another event’s edges, to the cursor position, or to a
time selection. Events are allowed to snap to grid lines and markers. As you
move an event along the timeline, its edge automatically aligns to
designated snap points. At the highest level, all features can quantize to
individual frames.
Turning snapping on and off
You can quickly turn snapping on and off by clicking the Enable Snapping button ( ). You can also
selectively turn snapping options on and off in the
Options menu:
Enable Snapping controls all snapping behavior except
quantizing to frames.
Snap To Grid controls snapping to grid markers. A variety of
grid measurements are provided. For more information, see
Changing grid spacing on page 331.
Snap To Markers controls snapping to markers. This command
applies to markers, regions, command markers, and CD layout
markers. For more information, see Adding project markers and
regions on page 115.
Quantizing to frames
The Quantize To Frames command in the Options menu takes snapping one step further. With this feature
enabled, everything snaps to the starting edge of individual project frames. Quantizing affects how you can
move events, place markers, make selections, and position the cursor.
Snap points
All enabled
Track zoomed
in so that one
thumbnail = one frame
Quantizing to frames means that
the position of markers, regions,
events, and the cursor are limited
to the start of an individual video frame.