
Time display
The Time Display window reflects the cursor’s position on the timeline, MTC input, MTC output, or MIDI
clock output time. You can customize time display settings, including what time the window displays and
colors are used in the display. For more information, see Using the Time Display window on page 331.
You can move the Time Display window from its docked position above the track list to float on the
workspace or dock in the window docking area.
The ruler is the timeline for your project. You may specify how the ruler measures time: seconds, measures
and beats, frames, etc. For more information, see Changing the ruler format on page 329.
Marker bar
The marker bar is the area where you can place, name, and position markers and regions along the project’s
timeline. These informational tags can serve as cues or reminders highlighting important events in your
project. For more information, see Adding project markers and regions on page 115.
Command bar
The command bar displays when you add a command to your project. Commands add metadata to media
files to create effects such as closed captioning. For more information, see Adding project markers and regions on
page 115.
Docked position Floating window Docked in window docking area