Viewing Product Information
d. If you select Electric as the fuel type, you will have to indicate if you need single-phase or three-
phase by clicking on the appropriate radio button in pane #2. If you select single phase, you must
also enter voltage.
Electric Single-Phase Electric Three Phase
3. Click on the appropriate button in pane #2 to view
the product sheets for the available boilers.
4. Click Select Boiler. Pane #3 will display the
available boilers that meet your requirements.
5. Select a boiler in pane #3.
6. If you have not selected a “Boiler with Indirect
Water Heater” as the boiler type, you may click
OK or you may click Proposal to generate a
proposal (see Generating a Proposal) and then
click OK. If you did select this boiler type,
continue to Step 7.
Selecting Boiler
Indirect Hot Water Heater
Note: If you selected a gas or oil burner as the
fuel type and then selected “Boiler with Indirect
Water Heater” as the boiler type, an Indirect Hot
Water Heater box and Sizing Guide button w
be displaye
28 Slant/Fin Corporation