Hydronic Explorer 2 User Manual
Radiant Tubing
Heat Loss – Heated Area
The Heat Loss – Heated Area pane provides the following heat loss related data:
Heat Loss BtuH – this is the heat loss for the selected room that was calculated in Heat Loss Express. •
Room Size (sq ft) – the calculated area of the selected room.
Heated Floor Area (sq ft) – the actual floor area to be heated. This can be equal to or less (but not
greater) than the Room Size. For example, if the room has a stairway or a fireplace, subtract the square
footage of those areas from the Room Size. Enter the total square footage of floor area available for
radiant heating in the Heated Floor Area cell.
Room Temperature (F) – the desired room temperature that was entered in the Create New Job screen.
Net Heat per sq ft, BtuH – this is the Heat Loss divided by the Heated Floor Area. Regardless of the
calculation, however, there is a maximum value based on the Max Floor Temp value (see below). If
this value is not sufficient to heat the room properly, the Supplemental Heat box (see below) will
show how much heat will be required from an additional source. If practical, you can choose to
increase Max Floor Temp or provide an additional heating source.
Supplemental Heat (BtuH) – if the radiant floor heating cannot, by itself, maintain the required room
temperature, an additional source (e.g., baseboard) must be installed. This box shows how much heat
must be provided by that source.
Slant/Fin Corporation 17