Hydronic Explorer 2 User Manual
Selecting a Boiler
Finding the Right Boiler
This section helps you select the right boiler for your job. If you already know the building’s heating load
(heat loss in Btu/hr) and do not need to use Heat Loss Express to do the calculations, start at Heat Load is
Known. If you used Heat Loss Express to calculate the building’s heat loss (see the previous section) start
at Calculated Heat Load.
Heat Load is Known
Use the following procedure only if you did not use Heat Loss Express to calculate the building’s heat
1. Double-click on the Slant/Fin Hydronic Explorer 2 icon on your desktop. The Main Menu is
2. Click on Select a Boiler. The Boiler Selection screen is displayed.
3. Enter the correct load requirement in the Btu/Hr Load box.
4. Continue at Boiler Selection, below.
Calculated Heat Load
Use the following procedure only if you used Heat Loss Express to do the heat load calculations. At this
point, the Heat Loss Express screen should be displayed on your computer, and it is showing the heat loss
Verify Room Data Screen
1. Click on the Select Boiler icon in the Heat Loss Express
toolbar. The Verify Room Data screen is displayed.
2. If the data is correct, click OK. The Boiler Selection
screen is displayed with the load requirement already
entered. Also shown is the calculated square footage to be
heated. (If any data in the Verify Room Data screen is
incorrect, click Cancel and make corrections in the Heat
Loss Express screen.)
3. Continue at Boiler Selection, below.
Slant/Fin Corporation 25