• spdsnlslib is the NLS library.
• spdsnlslibd is the debug version of spdsnlslib.
• spdsiotest is the stand alone SPD Server I/O scalability test.
The lib/ subdirectory contains the following SPD Server library files:
• spdslib is the run-time library that performs SQL Pass-Through from C and C++
applications to SPD Server.
• spds.dll is the application extension library that is accessed via the SAS ODBC Driver.
The samples/ directory contains the following files of interest:
• auditraw.sasis used to read proxy audit files that do not include WHERE clause
• auditwh.sasis used to read proxy audit files that include WHERE clause auditing.
• audit.sql.sasis used to read an SQL audit file.
• libnames.parm is a sample SPD Server host LIBNAME configuration file. Use with
the -libnamefile option for the spdsserv command.
• libsamp.parm is a more advanced example of a LIBNAME configuration file.
• pwdb is a script to start the Password Manager executable.
• spdsserv.parm is a sample SPD Server host parameter file. It sets the defaults for SPD
Server options. Use this file with the -PARMFILE option for the spdsserv command.
• rc.spds is a Bourne shell script to start a standard SPD Server environment.
• rc.perf is a Bourne shell script to start a standard Performance Server.
• killspds is a shell script that kills all processes for a UNIX user beginning with the
letters spds. Do not use the killspds script if you have any processes running in UNIX
that do not belong to SPD Server, but whose executable names begin with the letters
• killrc is a shell script that kills all processes related to a run of rc.spds. The killrc script
is selective. It does not kill SPD Server processes that are not related to core processes
started by rc.spds. Those core processes are initially started when rc.spds runs. The core
processes are typically spdsnsrv, spdsserv, spdsbase, spdslog, and spdssnet, based on
the rc.spds script the /samples directory.
• doc_examples.sas contains sample SAS code that is used in the SAS Scalable
Performance Data (SPD) Server 4.5: User's Guide documentation. This guide provides
SPD Server LIBNAME and data set usage and syntax options.
• verify.sas is a SAS installation verification job. You should run it after you install SPD
• spdsinst.sas demonstrates the simple use of WHERE clauses and WHERE planner
• passthru.sas demonstrates SQL Pass-Through usage. It gives examples of simple,
single-level Pass-Through and secondary libref and connection scenarios.
• tempwork.sas demonstrates temporary LIBNAME domain support. Files created in a
temporary LIBNAME domain are automatically deleted when the SAS session ends.
• paraload.sas shows how to perform parallel loads from an existing table into an SPD
Server table. This technique exploits a parallel load capability in the LIBNAME proxy.
• aclcolrw.sas shows the use of ACL row and column security features.
14 Chapter 3 • SPD Server UNIX Installation Guide