This example assumes that the Table prod1_table is already loaded in the domain and that
the groups who use the table have access.
PROC SPDO library=d2 ;
/* assign who will owns these ACLs */
set acluser prod1 ;
Modify the table ACL in the following ways:
• Revoke read and control by user IDs that are in the same group. This prevents locks
during table refreshes.
• Revoke read access by users that are in group1 through group4 to prevent locks during
the refresh process.
Note: If a user is actively accessing a data table when the ACLs for that table are
modified, the user continues to have access. This situation can create a table lock
that prevents the table refresh from occurring. By revoking the table's read
privileges before the refresh occurs, new SPD Server jobs cannot access the table.
Existing jobs will continue running and can finish under the lock. You can also use the
special PROC SPDO operator commands to identify any users that might be running
unattended jobs, and disconnect them so the refresh can take place.
modify ACL prod1_table /
group4=(n,n,n,n) ;
Now, modify table ACLs to allow the user ID prod1 to perform table refreshes. Because
user ID prod1 is part of prodgrp, that ID loses access to the table when the permissions are
changed. Prod1, the domain and table owner, can still modify ACLs to gain access.
modify ACL prod1_table /
prod1=(y,y,y,y) ;
list ACL _all_;
Now user ID prod1 has full access to refresh the table.
data d2.prod1_table ;
do i = 1 to 100 ;
output ;
end ;
run ;
PROC SPDO library=d2 ;
/* Specify who owns the ACLs */
ACL Security Examples 181