The INDEXPATH= is designed to take advantage of multiple file systems. SPD Server
4.5, index components can take advantage of the SPD Server RANDOMPLACEDPF
feature. The RANDOMPLACEDPF feature enables administrators to configure smaller
disk partitions for index space, which benefits SPD Server backup and recovery operations.
The WORKPATH= specified for the Example 2 SKULIST domain allows domain users
to override the default workpath, if any, specified in the spdsserv.parm file.
Example 3: Query-Rewrite Domain Configuration
Example 3 demonstrates how to use temporary tables to configure a LIBNAME domain
for performance when using the SPD Server SQL query rewrite facility.
The SPD Server SQL query rewrite facility does 'behind the scenes' work to find the most
processor-efficient method to evaluate submitted SQL statements. The SQL query rewrite
facility uses numerous temporary tables that are distributed across a parallelized
environment to rapidly evaluate and process the SQL statements.
At the end of the SPD Server session, temporary tables are automatically deleted. Some
SPD Server users might use the QRW domain for its temporary table space, even if they
are not submitting code for an SPD Server SQL query rewrite job.
Example 3 creates a query rewrite domain named 'QRW' that uses distributed temporary
SPD Server tables. In order to use SPD Server QRW, the following must be done:
• A specific domain for the query rewrite operations should be created in the
libnames.parm file. This example names the query rewrite domain 'QRW'.
• The spdsserv.parm file should contain a TMPDOMAIN=<QRW-domain-name>
statement that references the QRW domain that was created in the libnames.parm file.
Libnames.parm file code (note the LIBNAME=QRW statement creates a specific domain
for the query rewrite tables):
Spdsserv.parm file code (note the TMPDOMAIN=QRW statement references the domain
created for query rewrite tables):
Example 3: Query-Rewrite Domain Configuration 137