
Block Number: Lets you store a list of numbers that your phone
automatically rejects messages from.
Message Class: Specify the acceptable type of received messages
(Text Only, Small Imaging, Moderate Imaging, Small Video,
Moderate Video).
Creation Mode: Specify how new media content is sent: Warning,
Free, Restricted.
Rogers IM
Selects the default connection for instant messaging (Windows Live or
Yahoo!) and lets you change the following settings:
Power On Sign In: Lets you automatically sign in to Windows Live or
Yahoo when the phone is turned on.
Automatic Sign In: Lets you choose an address to use for
automatic sign-in.
Sound Settings: Lets you change sound settings for Receive
Message, Contact Alert, and System Message (Melody, Vibration,
Vibration then Melody, Silent), and the frequency of repetitions
(Every 1 Min, Every 2 Min, Once).
IM Profiles: Lets you change the current IM profile and change
profile settings.
Saved Conversations: Provides a list of saved conversations.
Push Message
Receive Settings: Specifies push message reception (On, Off,
Service specific).
Service Loading operation: Specify how you want the phone to
handle the loading of this service (Always, Always Ask or Never).
Broadcast Messages: Broadcast messages are transmitted to all
phones within the area.
•Read: Specifies how broadcast messages are handled after they are
read (Archive or Temporary).
Activation: Enables or disables broadcast message reception.