Add New Contact: Allows you to create a new contact. See “Add New
Contact” on page 103 for more information.
Send Business Card: Allows you to send a message containing your
Business Card as a Text message, as a Picture Message, or via
Delete: Allows you to delete the Selected entry or All entries.
Select Language: Allows you to change the input language used
between English and Français (French).
Add New Contact
Use the following procedures to store a new contact to your phone or SIM
Note: Your phone can be set to automatically save contacts to your SIM Card, automatically
save to your Phone, or Ask on Saving. The following procedures assume that the phone is set to
Ask on Saving. To change the setting, see “Contacts Settings” on page 132.
Storing a Number in the Phone’s Memory
1. Enter the phone number you want to store directly on the Idle screen.
2. Press <Options> and select Save.
3. If the saving mode is set to Ask on Saving, the Save to screen appears.
Choose Phone and press <Select> or [ ].
4. Select New Contact if this is a new contact or Existing Contact if you
want to change an existing contact, then press <Select> or [ ].
5. Choose the type of number you want to save (Mobile, Home, Office,
Fax or Other) and press <Select> or [ ]. The Save to Phonebook
screen opens.
Note: You can also access the Add New Contact screen from the Contacts menu.