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Emboss: Changes the picture to look like an embossed surface.
Sketch: Gives the picture the appearance of a pencil sketch.
Antique: Displays the picture in black and white with a yellow tint that
makes it look like an old picture.
Moonlight: Displays the picture in black and white with a blue tint that
makes it look like it was taken in moonlight.
Fog: Displays the picture with a hazy appearance that makes it look
like it was taken in fog.
Frames: Allows you to set the picture in a decorated frame. Highlight a
frame and press [ ] for a preview. To choose the selected frame, press
>. To insert a photo into the frame, press [ ].
White Balance: allows you to set the white balance (color temperature
of the surrounding light). Choose Auto (camera automatically selects the
setting), Daylight, Incandescent, Fluorescent, or Cloudy.
Viewfinder Mode: Lets you configure how the camera displays the
image and indicators on the screen. Choose from Regular (fills the
screen with the image), Indicator (displays icons on the screen that
indicate camera settings), and Guidelines (adds lines to the screen that
aid photo composition by indicating positioning for the “rule of thirds”).
Camera Help: Provides a list of shortcuts that allow you to directly
access camera options using the keypad. Press the key repeatedly to
cycle through the available settings.
Keypad shortcuts include.
Opens the Camera menu
takes a photo
zooms in or out
adjusts the image brightness