Move to Phone/Move to SIM Card: If a message is stored in the SIM
card, this option transfers it to the phone’s memory. If a message is
stored in the phone’s memory, it is transferred to the SIM card.
Add to Block List: Lets you add the sender’s number to the Block
Number list, a list of phone numbers that the phone automatically rejects
messages from (see “Message Settings” on page 133).
Extract Address: Lets you save the number a message was sent from
to your Contact List.
Save Media: Lets you save the attached media file to the appropriate
storage folder. Press <Options>, select Save to My Files and choose
Selected or All. Files are saved to the Media folder for the
corresponding file type (audio files to Recorded Audio, graphics to
Downloaded Graphics, videos to Downloaded Videos).
Sort by: Allows you to sort messages by Date, Read/Unread, Sender,
Type, Size or Subject.
Lock/Unlock: Locking a message prevents it from being deleted.
Delivery Status: Indicates whether a sent message has been delivered.
Properties: Displays the properties of the message. Available for
messages in Inbox (Date, From, To, Cc, Size, Priority, Class) and picture
messages in Sent (Date, To, Cc, Bcc, Size, Priority).
Templates let you save and reuse commonly used content for text and
picture messages. For further details on sending messages, see
“Messages” on page 73.
Create a Template
To create a text template:
1. From the Idle screen, press [ ] and select Messages