UUssiinngg tthhee WWAAPP BBrroowwsseerr
Entering Text, Numbers or Symbols
When you are prompted to enter text, the current text
entry mode is indicated on the screen. The following
modes are available.
Mode Description
alpha/ Allows you to enter letters in the alphabet.
ALPHA Press the corresponding key until the
required letter is displayed.
SYM 1 ~ 3 Allows you to enter various symbols and
punctuation marks. To view more symbols,
press the More soft key.
NUM Allows you to enter numbers.
word/ Allows you to enter words by pressing
WORD one key only per letter. Availability of this
mode depends on your service provider. To
access the WAP Browser menu or startup
homepage in this mode, press the key.
To... Then...
Change modes Press the right soft key one or
more times.
Enter a space Press the key.
Switch between Press the key.
upper and lower-case
Edit text • Set the cursor to the right of the
character(s) to be corrected
• Press the C key one or more
times as required
• Enter the correct character(s)
Using the WAP
Using the Soft Keys
A bar containing browser commands is located at the
bottom of the WAP Browser display. The soft keys ( )
below the bar are used to execute these commands. The
two keys are called soft keys because their function
changes depending on the WAP Browser application in
Navigating the WAP Browser
To... Then...
Scroll through and Press the
key until
select browser items the symbol points to the
required item, and then press
the OK soft key to confirm the
Select a numbered Press the corresponding
item numeric key.
Return to the Press the Back soft key or
previous page the C key.
Return to the startup Select the Home menu option;
homepage for more information on this
option, refer to page 12.