
UUssiinngg YYoouurr WWAAPP BBrroowwsseerrSSeettttiinngg UUpp tthhee WWAAPP BBrroowwsseerr
SSeettttiinngg UUpp tthhee WWAAPP BBrroowwsseerr
Option Description (continued)
Settings Allows you to set up five proxy servers for
the WAP Browser.
Clear Clears the information stored in the cache
Cache (the phone’s temporary memory used to store
the most recently accessed Web pages).
Configuring the WAP Browser
To configure the WAP Browser, proceed as follows.
1. Within the WAP Browser menu, highlight Settings
using the
keys, then press the Select soft
2. Select a proxy server and enter the parameters
required. Contact your service provider for details.
Parameter Description
Profile Name Name of the HTTP proxy server.
Homepage Address of your startup homepage.
URL When the default homepage is
displayed, you can delete it using
the C key and enter your own
Security Data transmission mode: Secure
to protect your data against
unauthorised access; otherwise,
Option Description
Home Connects the phone to the network and
loads the homepage of the Wireless Web
service provider.
Favorite Allows you to store the URL addresses of
your favourite Web sites. You can access
this menu directly by pressing and holding
down the key while using the WAP
To store a URL address, scroll to an empty
location and press the Options soft key.
Enter the address, then the name. After
saving a address, three sub-menus are
available. Select Goto URL to access the
site quickly, Edit to edit the selected
address and Erase to delete the selected
http:// Allows you to enter manually the URL
address of the Web site that you wish to
access. You can access this menu directly
by pressing and holding down the key
while using the WAP Browser.
3. Press the
key one or more times to highlight
the required option and then press the Select soft
WAP Browser
1 Home
2 Favorite
3 http://
Select 8.1