Getting Started
Starting the WAP Browser
Note: The first time you use the WAP Browser, you are
guided through a security setup procedure that
takes three to five minutes. Follow the on-screen
prompts to complete the procedure (only
necessary the first time you access the service).
To start the WAP Browser when the idle screen is
displayed, press the key or press the Menu soft key,
followed by the and keys.
A connection is established with your service provider
and the corresponding homepage is displayed.
The content of the WAP Browser startup homepage
depends on your Wireless Web service provider. To
scroll through the screen, use the
Note: To access the startup homepage from any other
screen in the WAP Browser, use the Home option.
For more information on the WAP Browser
menus, refer to page 12.
Exiting the WAP Browser
To exit the browser at any time, simply press the
Parameter Description (continued)
IP Address IP address required to connect
to the Internet.
Login Name PPP server login ID.
Password PPP server password.
Dial-up Number PPP server phone number.
Data Call Type Data call type: Analogue or
Note: The WAP Browser settings may vary,
depending on the service provider. Contact
your service provider for further information.
3. When you are satisfied with each parameter, press
the Select or OK soft key.
4. When you have finished configuring the WAP
Browser, press the key.
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