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Adding and Deleting Alarms
The default alarm display shows Wake-up Alarm (intended for use as an
“alarm clock”) and task alarms Alarm 1 to Alarm 4.
You can add up to five additional alarms by pressing <Options> and
selecting Create Alarm.
To rename an alarm, choose the alarm, press [ ], enter the new
name in the Alarm Name box and press [ ].
To delete any of the alarms you have added, choose the alarm,
press <Options>, choose Delete, press <Select> or [ ], and
press <Yes> to confirm the deletion.
Using the Calendar feature (Menu 7.4), you can view any month, week or
day. The current day is highlighted in the month and week views. You can
also create Appointment, Anniversary, Miscellaneous and Task events on
any day.
To view the Calendar, from the Idle screen, press [ ] and select
Tools Calendar. The calendar opens in Month, week or day view,
depending on the Default View By setting (see “Calendar Options” on
page 78).
In Month view, the current date is highlighted by a box around the number.
Appointments are indicated by a red arrow at the upper left corner of the
date, Anniversaries by a yellow arrow at the upper right, Miscellaneous
events by a blue arrow at the lower right and Tasks by a green arrow at the
lower left. The number of each type of event occurring on the highlighted
day is indicated below the calendar. Use the navigation keys to move to
other dates.
Note: You can also move to the previous or next month by pressing the Volume keys on the left
side of the phone.