
Your phone is able to send and receive text and picture
messages to compatible phones and other devices. If a text
message exceeds 160 characters, it is broken up and
delivered in separate messages, which incur additional cost.
Before you learn to send text messages, it’s best to cover the
basics of composing a message using the various text entry
modes of
Abc, Symbol, 123, and T9 Word.
Available memory is shared between all messages. You can
store up to 50 incoming and 50 outgoing messages. The
exact number that you can store is dependent upon
message length.
Text entry modes
You can compose text messages made up of alphabetical
characters, symbols, and numbers. Each method of character
entry (symbol, number, etc.) is called a text entry mode.
There are four such entry modes as indicated in the
following table:
Text Entry
Alphabetical text entry mode. Options are:
ABC - All uppercase
Abc - Initial caps
abc - All lower case
Symbol entry mode. Enter symbols into your
message by pressing the corresponding number
that appears above it in the display.
Number entry mode. Enter numbers by pressing
the corresponding key on the keypad.
T9 Word
Predictive text mode. Press each key only once
to enter the letter of the word that you’re spelling.