DVD Camcorder
The recordedtitle scenesaredisplayedasathumbnailindex(multipleimages)ontheLCDScreen. (_
You can find the desired scene quickly using this convenient index.
Ifthe TFT LCD screen is closed_you can view the recording through the viewfinder.
Usethe Playback relatedbuttonsonthe DVD Camcorderor onthe remotecontrol. (SC-DC175/
DC575only) '=,pages65~66
1. insert the discyou want to view.
2. Open the LCD Screen.
3. Set the [Mode] switch to [DISC]. (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 only)
4. Set the [Power] switch to [[_(Player)]. [_
• The thumbnail index screen appears.
• To change the current thumbnail page, usethe [Joystick] to highlight the thumbnail
page movement arrows then press the [Joystick] left or right to match the direction
of the arrow.
• Usethe[MENU]buttontoadjustbrightnessorcolorofthe LCD Screen. _page 36
5. Use the [Joystick] to select a title scene to be played, then press the [Joystick].
• Tostop playback, move the [Joystick] down.
During playback, a displayed image may be paused for a while until the next image is shown.
+ When you use the LCD Screen for playback_you can hear recorded sound from the built-in
+ When you hear sound once the disc is in play_use the [VOL A,V] buttons to adjust the
• Avolume level display will appear on the LCD Screen.
• Levels may be adjustedfrom anywhere between 00to 19.
• If you close the LCD Screen while playing, youwill nothear sound from the speaker.