Self Diagnosis Display in <M.CamlM.Player> Modes (SC-DC173(U)/DC175/DC575 only)
No memory card!
Memory card full
Memory card read error
Memory card write error
Not formatted!
No file!
Write protect !
Slow (M.Cam)
There is no Memory Card inthe DVD
insert a Memory Card.
There is notenough memory to Change to a new Memory Card.
record. Erase recorded image.
The DVD Camcorder can not Format a Memory Card or insert Memory
playback. Card recorded on this DVD Camcorder.
The DVD Camcorder can not record. Format a Memory Card or change to a
new Memory Card.
The Memory Card needs to format. Format a Memory Card. ",page 99
There are no images recorded on the Record new images.
Memory Card.
Stow The Memory Cardis record protected. Release the write protect tab on the
Memory Card.
When there is dew condensation, put aside for a while before usinq
• What is Dew Condensation?
Dewcondensationhappenswhena DVDCamcorderismovedtoa placewherethere isa significanttemperaturedifferencefromthe previousplace inother
words,the watervaporinthe airturns intodew becauseof thetemperaturedifference,and itcondensateslike dewonthe externalor internallensesof
the DVDCamcordarand onthe reflectionlens andthe surfaceof the discwhicharerelated to playback Whenthis happens,youtemporarilymaynot
usetherecord orplay functionsofthe DVDCamcorder.Also,it maycause a malfunctionordamageto the DVDCamcorderwhen usingthe device with
the power onwhilethere is dewcondensation
• What can I do?
Turn the poweroffand detachthebatterypack, andleave itin adry areafor 1~2 hoursbeforeusing it
• When does the dew condensation occur?
Whenthe device is relocatedto a placewitha highertemperaturethanthe previous location,orwhen usingit in a hotareasuddenly,itwill cause
1) When recordingoutside in coldweatherduring the winterandthen usingit in indoors.
2) Whenrecordingoutside inhotweather afterbeing indoorsor insideacar where theAC wasrunning