Using with a Windows compute_
| Structure of folders and files on the storage media
• The folder and file structure for storage media are below.
File naming follows DCF (Design rule for Camera File System)
o HD-quality videos have an HDV####.MP4 name format.
o SD-quality videos have a SDV ####.MP4 name format.
o The file number used in the file name automatically increases when you
create a new video file.
o A new folder is created when the file number has reached 999-1,000.
o The folder names are given in the following order: 100VIDEO, 101VIDEO,
etc. The maximum number of folders is 999.
o The camcorder can create amaximum of 9,999 files in a storage media.
o As with video files, the file number used in the file name automatically
increases when you create a new photo file.
o Photos have a SAM ####.JPG name format.
o The folder names are given in the following order: 100PHOTO, 101 PHOTO,
Video Iiles
• Video files are compressed in H.264 format. The file extension is
,, Refer to page 63 for the video resolution.
Photo Flies
• Photo irrlages are corr_pressed in JPEG (Joint Photographic
Experts Group)Iormat, The file extension is ",JPG".
• Refer to page 63 for the photo reselution,
[_J o not modify the name of avideo file recorded by the camcorder. For
proper playback, the camcorder requires that files have their original
folder and file names.