Othe_ settings
Video PbayOption
You can set a specific pJayback style according to your preference.
'/ Press the Home (_,) button _ touch "Settings" _ "Playback"
"Video Play Option",
}_ l"ouch the desired submenu item.
Slide Show Option
You carl set tile playback options for the slide el'low with the slide
ehow setting menus.
Press the Home (t_') button _ touch "Settings" _ "Playback"
"Slide Show Option",
2 Set the slide show options by touching the corresponding item
or dragging it to up or down.
]:_ To exit the menu, touch the Return (_) tab.
Play All( M_,,): Plays video clips in succession starting from the selected
video to the last one, then returns to the thumbnail index
Play One(_): Plays the selected video only, and returns to the
thumbnail view.
Repeat AIl(i_ ): Plays all the video clips repeatedly until the Thumbnail
view (_) tab istouched.
Repeat One( _. ): Plays the selected video only repeatedly until the
Thumbnail view (_) tab is touched.
]:_ To exit the menu, touch the Return (_) tab.
Interval: Continuously plays back photos at the interval you select. You
can choose 1 sec. or 3 sec.
Music: You can turn the internal background music on or off. This
camcorder has 7 default background melodies stored in the
boot-up flash memory. If the music is on when the slide show
starts, the 7 melodies will play back in shuffle mode.
Effect: Continuously plays back photos using the fade in/out effect to
transition between images.