S e c u r i t y
FDN Mode Menu 8-6
The FDN(Fixed Dial Number) mode, if supported by
your SIM card, allows you to restrict your outgoing
calls to a limited set of phone numbers.
The following options are available.
Enable: you can only call phone numbers stored in
the phonebook. You must enter your PIN2.
Disable: you can phone any number.
N o t e : Not all SIM cards have a PIN2. If your SIM
c a r d does not, this menu option is not
d i s p l a y e d .
To change your PIN2, refer to menu option 8-7 below.
Change PIN2 Menu 8-7
The Change PIN2 feature allows you to change your
current PIN2 to a new one. You must enter the
current PIN2 before you can specify a new one.
Once you have entered a new PIN2, you are asked to
confirm it by entering it again.
N o t e : Not all SIM cards have a PIN2. If your SIM
c a r d does not, this menu option is not
d i s p l a y e d .
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