Phone Settings
Phone Settings
The following options are available.
ON: you can press any key except and R e j e c t.
OFF: you can only press the or Accept keys.
Backlight Menu 6-5
You can select whether or not the phone uses the
backlight. A marginal increase in standby/talk time
can be achieved by turning the backlight off. The
following options are available.
Short: the backlight comes on when you press a key
or receive a call and switches off 5 seconds after the
last key is pressed.
Long: the backlight comes on when you press a key
or receive a call and switches off 10 seconds after
the last key is pressed.
OFF: the backlight is not used.
Service Light Menu 6-6
This option allows you to select whether or not the
s e rvice light on the top of the phone is used. The
following options are available.
ON: the s e rvice light flashes when the phone is
ready for use.
OFF: the s e rvice light is not used.
To... Then press the...
Enter the international 0 key and hold it
prefix (+) down until the + is
Correct a digit C key.
Clear the whole number C key and hold it
down until the
number is cleared.
Move the cursor left without soft key.
clearing the digits
Move the cursor right key on the left
of the phone.
Language Menu 6-3
You can select a diff e rent setting for the text language,
voice language and text input mode. For more
i n f o rmation about text input mode, refer to page 41.
Any-key Answer Menu 6-4
Depending on the setting of the Any-key Answer
option, you can answer an incoming call by pressing
any key except and the Reject soft key.
To reject the call, press or the Reject soft key.
If this option is set to OFF, use or on the left
side of the phone to reject the call.
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