You can connect your camcorder to a TV
through a VCR.
1. Connect the comcorder and VCR with the
Audio/Video cable.
The yellow plug : Video
The white plug : Audio(L)
The red plug : Audio(R) – STEREO
2. Connect a TV with the VCR.
3. Set the power switch of camcorder to
4. Turn on the TV and VCR.
Set the input selector on the VCR to LINE.
Turn on the TV and select the channel reserved for your VCR on the TV.
5. Playback a tape.
You can play the recorded tape in PLAYER mode.
1. Connect a power source and
Set power switch to PLAYER.
2. Insert a tape you want to see.
3. Using (FF) and (REW) buttons, find the first
position that you want to see.
4. Press the (PLAY/STILL) button.
The picture you recorded appears on the TV
after a few seconds.
If the tape reaches its end during playback,
the tape will rewind automatically.
It is best to decrease the volume of the built-in speaker
when your camcorder is connected to the TV.
The playback mode (SP/LP) is selected automatically.
Playing back a tape
Connecting to a TV which has no Audio and Video input jack
’ p
Pfiipojení k TV, která nemá Audio a Video vstupní konektor
✤ Kameru mÛÏete pfiipojit k TV pfies
1. Pfiipojte videokameru k videorekordéru
pomocí Audio/Video kabelu.
lut˘ : Video
Bíl˘ : Audio (lev˘)
âerven˘ : Audio (prav˘)-pouze stere
2. Pfiipojte TV k videorekordéru.
3. Nastavte pfiepínaã kamery na
4. Zapnûte TV a videorekordér.
Nastavte vstupní voliã videa na LINE.
Zapnûte TV a vyberte kanál urãen˘
pro videorekordér.
5. Pfiehrávejte pásek.
✤ Nahranou pásku mÛÏete pfiehrávat v reÏimu PLAYER.
1. Pfiipojte zdroj napájení a nastavte pfiepínaã na
pozici PLAYER.
2. VloÏte kazetu, kterou chcete prohlíÏet.
3. UÏitím (FF) a (REW) tlaãítek najdûte
místo, které chcete sledovat.
4. Stisknûte (PLAY/STILL).
Za nûkolik sekund se objeví na TV nahran˘
Pokud pásek bûhem pfiehrávání dojde na
konec, pfievine se automaticky na zaãátek.
Doporuãujeme sníÏit hlasitost vestavûného reproduktoru pokud kameru
pfiipojujete k televizoru.
ReÏim pfiehrávání (SP/LP) je vybrán automaticky.