
Funkce BLC pracuje v reÏimu CAMERA.
Svûtlo v pozadí existuje v pfiípadû, Ïe je
pfiedmût tmav‰í neÏ pozadí.
Pfiedmût je umístûn pfied oknem.
Osoba má na sobû bíl˘ leskl˘ odûv a stojí
pfied jasn˘m pozadím; obliãej osoby je pfiíli‰
tmav˘ k rozli‰ení rysÛ.
Pfiedmût je venku a pozadí je obloha.
Zdroje svûtla jsou pfiíli‰ jasné.
Pfiedmût je proti zasnûÏenému pozadí.
1. Nastavte pfiepínaã POWER do reÏimu
2. Stisknûte tlaãítko BLC.
Normal -BLC -Normal
BLC zv˘razÀuje pouze pfiedmût.
Advanced Recording
BLC (Back Light Compensation)
BLC works in CAMERA mode.
Back lighting exists when the subject is darker
than the background:
The subject is placed in front of a window.
The person to be shot is wearing white or
shiny clothes and is placed against a bright
background; the person’s face is too dark to
distinguish their features.
The subject is in the outdoors and the
background is overcast.
The light sources are too bright.
The subject is against a snowy background.
1. Set the power switch to CAMERA mode.
2. Press the BLC button.
Normal - BLC - Normal
BLC enhances only the subject.
Ž nat‡
BLC (Kompenzace svžtla v pozad’)
* BLC on* BLC off