
Restore Setting
Item Description
File to Restore Enter the path and name of the file to restore, or click [Browse...] to select
the file.
Follow the procedure below to restore configuration backup files.
1. Click [Browse...].
2. Navigate to the directory containing the backup file to restore.
3. Select the backup file, and click [Open].
4. Enter the administrator password if required.
5. Click [OK].
If the settings are not restored successfully, an error message appears. Try again to restore the file
Configuring the Date and Time Settings
Click the [Set Date/Time] tab on the administrator settings page to configure the date and time settings.
Set Date
Item Description
Year Enter the current year (2000 to 2099).
Month Enter the current month (1 to 12).
Day Enter the current day (1 to 31).
Configuring the Administrator Settings