Program User Color
Program User Color
In addition to the base colors, you can store up to 15 customized colors into
memory (User Color).
For color samples ⇒ P.10 “Color Sample Chart”.
If your machine has an option, you can sample the user color. ⇒ P.115 “Sam-
pling the User Color (Option)”.
❒ There are two ways to make user colors as follows:
• Adjusting a selected base color
• Mixing colors manually with number keys
❒ Up to 15 colors can be stored.
❒ The total percentages of the mixed colors must be 255% or less.
❒ If the total percentage of the mixed color is over 255%, the copier cannot cre-
ate the color properly and the results will appear different.
❒ If the total percentage of the mixed colors is too low, toner may not bond to
the paper properly resulting in a change in image density.
❒ The appearance of user colors might vary slightly according to the image type
you have selected (Photo, Text, etc.).
Adjusting Colors Based on the Selected Color
Press the {
} key.
Press the [Prog. User Color] key.