Specifying the Device Option
Printer Language
Specify a printer language to print in.
filetype=printer language
fil=printer language
The following sample shows how to print with PostScript 3 (host name:
“nphost”; file name: “file1”):
• rsh
% rsh nphost print filetype=postscript < file1
• rcp
% rcp file1 nphost:filetype=postscript
• ftp
ftp> put file1 filetype=postscript
Text Printing
Set this function when printing text files directly.
The following sample shows how to print text files directly.
• rsh
% rsh nphost print filter=text < file1
• rcp
% rcp file1 nphost:filter=text
• ftp
ftp> put file1 filter=text
resolution 300, 600 Specifies the print resolution.
symbol set desktop, iso4, iso6, iso11,
iso15, iso17, iso21, iso60,
iso69, isol1, isol2, isol5, legal,
math8, mspubl, pc8, pc850,
pc852, pc8dn, pc8tk, pifont,
psmath, pstext, roman8, vn-
intl, vnmath, vnus, win30,
winl1, winl2, winl5
Specify the set of print charac-
Printer language Value
PCL 5e pcl
PostScript 3 postscript or rps
Device option Value Function summary