The machine is equipped with an SNMP (Simple Network Management Proto-
col) agent that operates under UDP and IPX on the Ethernet/wireless LAN in-
terface, and UDP on the IEEE 1394 (IP over 1394) interface. Using the SNMP
manager you can get information about the machine.
The default community names are “public” and “admin”. You can get MIB in-
formation using these community names.
❒ If you change the machine’s community name to one different from the de-
fault, use SNMP Setup Tool to change the setting for the computer. For more
information, see SNMP Setup Tool Help.
❒ Before using SNMP Setup Tool, install SmartDeviceMonitor for Admin.
❒ Follow the procedure below to start SNMP Setup Tool:
• Windows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0:
On the [Start] menu, point to [Programs], point to [SmartDeviceMonitor for Ad-
min], and then click [SNMP Setup Tool].
• Windows XP, Windows Server 2003:
On the [Start] menu, point to [All Programs], point to [SmartDeviceMonitor for
Admin], and then click [SNMP Setup Tool].
❖ Supported MIBs
• PrinterMIB
• HostResourceMIB
• RicohPrivateMIB