Setting Up the Machine on a Network
❒ When you use the IEEE 1394 in-
terface on a network, you can-
not use the Ethernet interface in
the same domain. To use both
interfaces in the same domain,
set different values for [Sub-net
❒ The physical address (MAC ad-
dress) also appears.
❖ WINS Configuration
You can specify the WINS server
• On
If [On] is selected, specify the
[ Server] IP address as
“xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx” (“xxx” indi-
cates a number).
If DHCP is in use, specify [Scope
• WINS Server:
• Scope ID
• Off
❒ Enter [Scope ID] using up to 31
alphanumeric characters.
❒ Default: Off
❖ IP over 1394
When you use the IP over 1394 func-
tion of the IEEE 1394 interface to
connect the machine to the network,
or you print from computer with
the IP over 1394 driver, you must
specify [
]for [
IP over 1394
• Active
• Inactive
Printing with IP over 1394 is pos-
sible under Windows Me/XP
and Windows Server 2003.
❒ Default: Active
❖ SCSI print (SBP-2)
When you print using the SCSI
print client function supported by
Windows 2000, Windows XP, or
Windows Server 2003, you must
set [SCSI print (SBP-2)].
• Active
• Inactive
❒ The IEEE 1394 interface can be
used when Windows 2000 Serv-
ice Pack 1 or later is installed. If
the Service Pack is not installed,
only one SCSI print device is
connectable via 1394 bus.
❒ Default: Active
❖ Bidirectional SCSI print
Specifies the printer's response
mode etc. for status requests when
using the IEEE 1394 interface.
• On
• Off
❒ Default: On
❒ If this is set to [Off], bidirectional
communication will not work.
❖ Host Name
Specify the host name.
❖ Domain Name
Specify the domain name.