Other Information
No forward or reverse scan
Some discs have se_,lions that pu_hibit rapid scanning, or title and chapter skip.
If you're flying to skip tluough lhe warning information and credits at the beginning of a movie, you won't be able to. This part of
the movie is ot_en ploglammed t_ ptohil_il skipping through h.
Camera angle cannot be changed
Some discs dont ha_e the r_lulli-cln_eta arl_t_.s, and sonle discs only have it in certain parts of the movie.
Picture is too tall and thin
Change the aspect ratio using the 7IIma,_, senmg in the Display menu (see chapter 6).
Picture is too short and wide
Change the aspect lalio usin R the "/_ Imc_c, setting in the Display menu (see chapter 6).
Cannot copy discsto video tape
You can't record DVI) disc_;onto videocassettcs because the discs are encoded with anti-copy protection.
Disc tray won't open
Disengage the retail kxk 1_2attlle. Pl¢'SS _lnd hold a combinalion of huttons on the front panel at the same time. Press and hold SKIP
FWD, OPEN,CLOSE. and TS SURRt_UND for at least three seconds.
Front "l'myD)ck _;.!ature is mined on (Nlock the player from the Lock menu or turn Tray Lock feature off (see chapter 6).
Full Version of Disc Does Not Play
If the DVD player is locked, tile disc may have been edited using the Scene Snip feature. Unlock the player (see chapter 2).
Disc won't eject
When you put a disc into the playen lhe player nlay take up to 15 seconds to read tile disc. You won't be able to eject the disc
during this time. Wait IS seconds and try again.
Forgot password
• Point the remote at the DVD player Press and hold the STOP button on the front of the DVD Player and the STOP button on the
remote control at the same time (hold both buttons down at the same time for at least 3 seconds). The player will unlock. Follow the
instructions for locking your player and changing the password in Chapter 5.
92 Chapter 7